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ALLGEIER SE / Key word(s): Quarter Results05.05.2015 17:06Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmittedby DGAP – a service of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.—————————————————————————Munich, May 4, 2015 – Allgeier SE (ISIN DE0005086300, WKN 508630) reportsboth growth in its total operating revenue, and a fall in earnings asexpected as part of its planning, according to preliminary figures for thefirst three months of its 2015 financial year (January 1, 2015 to March 31,2015).Preliminary total operating revenue generated across the entire Groupduring the first quarter of 2015 grew by 10 percent compared with the firstthree months of 2014 to reach EUR 114.1 million (prior-year continuingoperations: EUR 103.3 million). By contrast, preliminary operating EBITDA(before extraordinary items and effects unrelated to the reporting period)registered a year-on-year fall of 19 percent to EUR 4.4 million (prior-yearcontinuing operations: EUR 5.4 million). Investments in the business areasin the IT Solutions division that were acquired in the second half of 2014burdened EBITDA to the tune of EUR -0.8 million in the first quarter, asplanned. Preliminary EBITDA including extraordinary items and effectsunrelated to the reporting period amounted to EUR 2.7 million (previousyear: EUR 5.5 million), chiefly reflecting significantly higherextraordinary items of EUR -1.7 million (previous year: EUR 0.1 million),which were especially due to the impact of currency fluctuations on balancesheet items measured on the reporting date. Preliminary EBIT (earningsbefore interest and tax) of EUR -0.5 million were negative accordingly(previous year: EUR 2.6 million).Group revenue growth in the first quarter was slightly higher below theline than planned. Operating EBITDA (before extraordinary items and effectsunrelated to the reporting period) lay more than 20 percent above planningfor the first quarter despite the year-on-year decline. This level ofextraordinary items was not planned. Due to operating earnings exceedingbudget, reported EBITDA nevertheless reached the planning level.Outlook for Q2 2015On the basis of its planning, the Management Board expects double-digityear-on-year revenue growth for the second quarter of 2015. In contrast tothe first quarter, where a fall in earnings formed part of planning,operating EBITDA (before extraordinary items and effects unrelated to thereporting period) should grow at a double-digit rate in the second quarterof 2015, according to Group planning.Key balance sheet financialsPreliminary equity rose to EUR 105.4 million as of March 31, 2015 (December31, 2014: EUR 100.7 million), with this growth being mainly due to theeffects of currency translation on equity. The Allgeier Group had liquidassets of EUR 85.2 million (on the basis of preliminary figures) availableas of the balance sheet date (December 31, 2014: EUR 98.0 million). Thisfall is chiefly attributable to the scheduled repayment of financialliabilities in an amount of EUR 11.5 million. Current and non-currentfinancial liabilities have reduced accordingly to EUR 115.5 million as ofMarch 31, 2015 (December 31, 2014: EUR 125.2 million). Preliminary totalassets stood at EUR 340.0 million as of March 31, 2015 (December 31, 2014:EUR 329.8 million).All of the aforementioned IFRS figures are preliminary. The interim reportof Allgeier SE as of March 31, 2015 will be published on Friday, May 15,2015, when it can be viewed at SECorporate Communications & Investor RelationsDr. Christopher GrosseWehrlestrasse 1281679 MunichTel.: +49 (0)89/998421-0Fax: +49 (0)89/998421-11Email: ir@allgeier.comWeb: www.allgeier.comAllgeier SE ist eines der führenden IT-Unternehmen für BusinessPerformance: Mit einer auf Innovationen und Zukunftstrends ausgerichtetenWachstumsstrategie sowie einem integrativen unternehmerischen Modellverbindet Allgeier die Vorteile eines internationalen Anbieters mit denTugenden mittelständischer Unternehmer. Operative Geschäftsbereiche mitindividuellen fachlichen oder branchenbezogenen Schwerpunkten arbeitengemeinsam für über 3.000 Kunden aus nahezu allen Branchen. Mit über 5.300angestellten Mitarbeitern und mehr als 1.200 freiberuflichen Expertenbietet Allgeier den Kunden als One-Stop-Shop ein umfassendes Lösungs- undLeistungsportfolio. Allgeier bildet mit einem hochflexiblen Delivery-Modelldas komplette IT-Leistungsspektrum von Onsite über Nearshore bis hin zuOffshore ab: Mit einem starken Standbein in Indien werden Flexibilität undhöchste Skalierbarkeit der Leistungen sowie hochqualifiziertesExpertenwissen in der High-End-Softwareentwicklung sichergestellt. Zu denKunden von Allgeier zählen global arbeitende Konzerne genauso wieinnovative mittelständische Betriebe, die sich durch leistungsstarkeIT-Lösungen, intelligente Software und flexible Personaldienstleistungenstrategische Vorteile sichern wollen. Die stark wachsende Gruppe mitHauptsitz in München verfügt über 100 Niederlassungen im deutschsprachigenRaum, im übrigen Europa sowie in Indien, Singapur, Mexiko und den USA. 2014erzielte Allgeier einen Umsatz von 428 Mio. Euro (fortgeführtes Geschäft).Allgeier SE belegt in der Lünendonk(R)-Liste 2014 “Führende deutschemittelständische IT-Beratungs- und Systemintegrations-Unternehmen” denersten Platz. Allgeier Experts ist nach Lünendonk(R)-Marktsegmentstudie2014 “Der Markt für Rekrutierung, Vermittlung und Steuerung vonIT-Freelancern in Deutschland” unter den TOP 3 IT-Personaldienstleistern inDeutschland. Die Gesellschaft ist am Regulierten Markt der FrankfurterWertpapierbörse im General Standard gelistet (WKN 508630, ISINDE0005086300). Weitere Informationen unter: The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and————————————————————————— Language: EnglishCompany: ALLGEIER SE Wehrlestraße 12 81679 München GermanyPhone: +49 (0) 89 – 99 84 21 0Fax: +49 (0) 89 – 99 84 21 11E-mail: info@allgeier.comInternet: http://www.allgeier.comISIN: DE0005086300WKN: 508630Indices: CDAXListed: Regulated Market in Frankfurt (General Standard); Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Stuttgart End of Announcement DGAP News-Service —————————————————————————