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Investor Relations
Allgeier SE: Supervisory Board approves the 2015 financial statements and proposes dividend; Q1 2016 revenue and earnings growth


ALLGEIER SE / Key word(s): 9-month figures/Quarter Results28.10.2016 18:17Disclosure of an inside information according to Article 17 MAR,transmitted by DGAP – a service of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.—————————————————————————Munich, 29 April 2016 – At its meeting today, the Supervisory Board ofAllgeier SE (ISIN DE0005086300, WKN 508630) approved the audited separateand consolidated financial statements for Allgeier SE for the 2015financial year. The annual financial statements are thereby adopted. Thefinalized consolidated figures essentially correspond to the preliminaryfigures that were announced in an ad hoc release on 18 March 2016. Thebusiness units that have been sold during the past financial year, b+mInformatik AG, Melsdorf, the Innsbruck-based terna Group, Austria, and theStorage division of Allgeier (Schweiz) AG, which is based in Thalwil,Switzerland, are reported as discontinued operations. Munich-based TalentryGmbH is also reported under discontinued operations due to ongoingnegotiations about a modification to its shareholder base with a view toits strategic further development.Revenue and earnings trends (IFRS)The sum of a total consolidated revenue from continuing and discontinuedoperations in the 2015 financial year elapsed (1 January 2015 to 31December 2015) rose by 9 per cent to EUR 498.9 million (previous year: EUR456.5 million). Adjusted consolidated EBITDA (EBITDA before effects thatqualify operationally as extraordinary or as relating to other accountingperiods) from continuing and discontinued operations reporteddisproportionately rapid year-on-year growth of 16 per cent to reach EUR29.3 million (previous year: EUR 25.3 million). Consolidated EBITDAincreased by 13 per cent to EUR 27.1 million during the period under review(previous year: EUR 24.0 million). Consolidated EBIT for the period stoodat EUR 12.7 million, 20 per cent above the previous year’s result (previousyear: EUR 10.5 million). Excluding disposal gains, the Group generated EUR8.8 million of earnings before tax (previous year: EUR 5.5 million). TheAllgeier Group achieved EUR 10.0 million of income before tax from thedisposal of the divested business units. The expense for income taxes(excluding income taxes on the disposal gain) amounted to EUR 5.6 millionin the reporting period (previous year: EUR 5.4 million). Consequently, theGroup generated earnings for the period (including the disposal gain) ofEUR 12.8 million (previous year: EUR 2.6 million). Earnings per share forthe entire Allgeier Group amounts to EUR 1.39 for the 2015 reporting year(previous year: EUR 0.23).Business trends in continuing operationsIn the Allgeier Group’s continuing operations, IFRS consolidated revenueincreased to EUR 452.2 million during the 2015 financial year (previousyear continuing operations: EUR 384.2 million), reflecting 18 per centgrowth. Adjusted consolidated EBITDA for continuing operations were up by11 per cent to EUR 25.3 million (previous year continuing operations: EUR22.8 million). Consolidated EBITDA in the continuing operations increasedby 10 per cent to EUR 23.2 million in the reporting period (previous yearcontinuing operations: EUR 21.0 million). Consolidated EBIT from continuingoperations stood at EUR 10.3 million for the period under review (previousyear continuing operations: EUR 10.3 million). The Group generated EUR 6.3million of earnings before tax from its continuing operations (previousyear continuing operations: EUR 5.4 million). The results include EUR 0.3million of income from claims asserted against third parties abusing thecompany’s software rights. Further cases of this type are being legallyexamined and pursued, and can result in further income in the future in thesix or seven digit range. Earnings per share from the continuing operations(adjusted for amortization relating to acquisition activity, and withnormalized taxes) amounted to EUR 1.09 during the reporting year (previousyear: EUR 1.00). Key balance sheet financials as of 31 December 2015Equity stood at EUR 115.7 million as of the 31 December 2015 reporting date(previous year: EUR 100.7 million). The Allgeier Group had liquid assetsavailable of EUR 83.7 million as of the end of the 2015 financial year(previous year: EUR 98.0 million). Current and non-current financialliabilities have reduced to EUR 110.7 million as of the reporting date(previous year: EUR 125.2 million). Total assets amounted to EUR 328.0million as of the reporting date (previous year: EUR 329.8 million).Application of profitsThe Supervisory Board has today, 29 April 2016, passed a resolution topropose to the Annual General Meeting to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.70per share to the shareholders from the unappropriated net profit of EUR34,452,551.90 as of 31 December 2015, as reported in the annual financialstatements of Allgeier SE. The remaining unappropriated profit is to becarried forward to a new account.Q1 2016 revenue and earnings trendsIn the first quarter of 2016 (1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016), preliminarytotal operating revenue from continuing operations amounted to EUR 116.1million, up 14 per cent on the previous year’s level (previous yearcontinuing operations: EUR 101.7 million). This growth derives from organicgrowth and from the consolidation of companies that were not yet acquired,and consolidated, in the previous year’s first quarter. Adjustedconsolidated EBITDA (EBITDA before effects that qualify operationally asextraordinary or relating to other accounting periods) from continuing anddiscontinued operations reported disproportionately rapid year-on-yeargrowth of 22 per cent to EUR 4.7 million (previous year: EUR 3.8 million).As no negative extraordinary effects, especially from currencyfluctuations, were incurred as of the end of the first quarter 2016 – bycontrast with the previous year’s first quarter – preliminary EBITDA forthe period stands at EUR 5.4 million (previous year continuing operations:EUR 2.2 million). Accordingly, preliminary EBIT from continuing operationsamounted to EUR 2.6 million (previous year continuing operations: EUR -0.5million).Key balance sheet financials as of March 31, 2016Preliminary equity amounted to EUR 114 million as of 31 March 2016(December 31, 2015: EUR 115.7 million). The Allgeier Group had liquidassets available of EUR 60.5 million (on the basis of preliminary figures)as of the balance sheet date (31 December 2015: EUR 83.7 million).Preliminary current and non-current financial liabilities amounted to EUR110.3 million as of 31 March 2016 (31 December 2015: EUR 110.7 million).Preliminary total assets stood at EUR 320 million as of 31 March 2016 (31December 2015: EUR 328.0 million).NoteThe aforementioned previous year’s results from continuing operations arenot comparable with the Allgeier 2014 Annual Report due to the restatementof the previous year to reflect the divested units. The IFRS figures forthe first quarter of 2016 are preliminary. The 2015 annual report will beissued today, 29 April 2016, and can be viewed at Aninterim report of Allgeier SE as of 31 March 2016 will be published on 17May 2016, and can be viewed at SECorporate Communications & Investor RelationsDr. Christopher GrosseWehrlestrasse 1281679 MunichTel.: +49 (0)89/998421-0Fax: +49 (0)89/998421-11Email: ir@allgeier.comWeb: www.allgeier.comAllgeier SE is one of the leading IT companies for Business Performance:with a growth strategy oriented to innovations and future trends, as wellas an integrative business model, Allgeier combines the benefits of aninternational provider with the benefits and strengths of a medium-sizebusiness operation. Operative business divisions with individual specialistor sector-related focuses work together for more than 3,000 customers fromalmost all business sectors. With around 6,000 salaried employees and morethan 1,200 freelance experts, Allgeier offers its customers an extensiveone-stop-shop range of solutions and services. Drawing on a highly flexibledelivery model, Allgeier covers the entire IT service range from on-sitethrough to nearshore and offshore: with a strong business pillar in India,the company secures flexibility and maximum scalability of services, aswell as highly qualified high-end software development expertise. Allgeiercustomers include globally operating groups as well as innovativemedium-size business operations that aim to secure strategic advantagesthrough high-performance IT solutions, intelligent software and flexiblepersonnel services. The rapidly-growing, Munich-based Group maintains morethan 90 branches in German-speaking countries, the rest of Europe, as wellas in India, Singapore, Vietnam, Mexico and the USA. Allgeier generated EUR452 million of revenue in 2015 (continuing operations). Allgeier SE ranksfirst in the 2015 Lünendonk(R) list of “Leading German Medium-Sized ITConsultants and System Integrators”. According to the Lünendonk(R) 2015market segment study “The Market for Recruiting, Mediating and Managing ITFreelancers in Germany”, Allgeier Experts ranks among Germany’s top threeIT personnel service providers. Allgeier SE is listed on the RegulatedMarket of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (WKN 508630, ISIN DE0005086300). Formore information, visit: The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Archive at————————————————————————— Language: EnglishCompany: ALLGEIER SE Wehrlestraße 12 81679 München GermanyPhone: +49 (0) 89 – 99 84 21 0Fax: +49 (0) 89 – 99 84 21 11E-mail: info@allgeier.comInternet: http://www.allgeier.comISIN: DE0005086300WKN: 508630Indices: CDAXListed: Regulated Market in Frankfurt; Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Hanover, Stuttgart, Tradegate Exchange End of Announcement DGAP News-Service —————————————————————————